Sketching Birds today. Here are a couple of Crows.

Art and Illustration
Sketching Birds today. Here are a couple of Crows.
I’ve just finished this pair of steam-powered-porcines. One is rendered in my fine-line style and the other in my black style. These prints have evolved from design work for my illustrated story book (work in progress). They can be ordered directly from me using the form on the Contact page. They are £15 per print […]
The Knowledge Gallery in Brighton are stocking my limited edition prints. I am very grateful to these lovely people for all their work. They stock 2D and 3D artwork by a number of artists, as well as the work of several talented jewellers, Leather workers, furniture makers and much more. It’s a beautifully eclectic spot, […]
Hey, check out this steam powered boar, which I have sketched in pen and ink. It’s development work for my book project.
The Galleons have made their new album available to listen to here CDs are also available to order and feature my glorious artwork (ahem).
Tripod # 2 in my War of the Worlds themed Tripods set. This is the second in a series of 3 prints. Watch out for number 3 in the next couple of weeks! This 3 legged menace is wielding a heat ray and would make a great pair with Tripod # 1. Or better still […]
The wonderfully eclectic Knowledge Gallery on North Street, Brighton are selling a selection of my prints. There are some A2 sized Airships as well as A3 versions of my Tripod, Airship, Balloon and Prof. Farthing prints. I have also released a new edition of each of these prints in A5 size. all print runs are […]
I am currently working on a story picture book. I can’t show you any final work for the time being, but here are a couple of roughs from my sketchbook. I am working out the colour palette in these sketches, so the drawing quality is secondary. I will reveal more as it nears completion!
Here’s a character I have been playing around with in my sketchbook for a while. He’s a steam powered Victorian Gentleman/Penny Farthing/ROBO-CENTAUR, with a clockwork brain. The pocket watch he’s checking is actually his pressure gauge and the door in his stomach is access to his firebox (for shoveling coal into himself). I originally came […]
These posters were drawn and coloured for the Vesuvius Club, a live music night in Brighton (UK). I very much enjoyed drawing both, but the night with the Black Feathers, the Galleons provided a lot of fun, interesting things to draw – I do like drawing tentacles, and they are here in abundance! Here are links […]