I made a little forest in a bottle. (Work in progress). #terrarium #noob #kilnerjar #ferns #fairytales #dungeonsanddragons #mirkwood #moss #glade
Underground Goblin Holt, hidden near the subterranean Dwarven Hold. A detail from my big Dwarf Hold drawing. #penandink #rotring #aristo #fineliner #illustration #goblins #dungeonsanddragons #warhammer #rpg #oldhammer #fantasyart
A detail from the Dwarven Hold. New tunnels and the guardroom. #dwarves #dwarf #rpg #dungeonsanddragins #warhammer #oldhammer #fantasyart #penandink #illustration #rotring #toilet
Sleeping troll. Detail from my underground Dwarf Hold picture. #penandink #rotring #atisto #fantasyart #illustration #troll #raven #fineliner #dungeonanddragons #oldhammer #warhammer #fairytale #rpg
Finally moved house after a couple of month’s delay. Now I can get all my stuff unpacked and start drawing again! New pictures coming very soon!

What a great surprise. The excellent @forgeofice Alex Bates very kindly sent me this selection of his products after a chat online about fantasy art. They are great! I love the Doom Idol and snake cultist. #doom #conan #pulp #fantasy #dungeonsanddragons #dungeonscenery #roleplaying #miniatures #gaming #tabletop #fantasyart

Underground Dwarf hold 3 of 3. Finished inking. The picture is around 80x40cms. Trying to decide whether to colour it with ink washes. #dragon #goblins #dwarves #oldhammer #dungeonsanddragons #penandink #rotring #fineliner #fountainpen #carbonink #detail #undergroundhouse #mining

Underground Dwarf hold 2 of 3. Finished inking. The picture is around 80x40cms. Trying to decide whether to colour it with ink washes. #dragon #goblins #dwarves #oldhammer #dungeonsanddragons #penandink #rotring #fineliner #fountainpen #carbonink #detail #undergroundhouse #mining